LifeSpan Fitness
From our humble beginnings over 20 years ago, with just a couple of fitness products, we quickly realized that we needed to offer more than just quality and durability in our treadmills to set us apart. We had to listen and understand our customers’ physical fitness needs on a personal level to truly serve them.
So we did.
As we listened to our customers, it became clear that we had an opportunity to address some of the challenges in weight loss, the education needed for healthy living, the empathy and care given for active aging, and of course, the quality and endurance standards required for sports training. No two customer’s needs are alike, yet we all share the desire to improve our health and fitness.
To accommodate everyone’s individual goals, we needed to design with a focus on the user’s needs. This means custom workouts need to be easily created by the customer. Intuitive consoles allowing for simple operation, and individual safety features needed to come to the forefront. Along with these user-friendly features, we needed to inform and educate people with our blog about the many benefits physical fitness improvements have in achieving a holistic and healthy overall wellbeing - and these have to be affordable and engaging!
These are the driving values we put into each of our products and they can be seen throughout our complete line of Fitness equipment, from innovations like our Quick-DrawTM program customization to auto-stop feature Intelli-GuardTM. This commitment to the user’s needs lead us to find solutions to the unhealthy conditions of sitting throughout the workday. Our Workplace line of products, including treadmill desks, bike desks, and standing desks, allow our customers to truly take control of their fitness needs throughout the whole day. By eliminating the unhealthy dangers of sitting during their working hours, they can now create an environment at home and work to stay moving and active.
We believe that our customer’s health and happiness can be achieved if we hold on to these truths and we aim to continually uphold the importance of satisfying one customer at a time. At LifeSpan, we believe that the best exercise product is the one that will be used, and we measure our success by our customers’ physical fitness success.